With the coronavirus (COVID-19) fears and large-scale orders to ban gatherings of 100 -> 50 -> 20 -> 10 -> 6 -> 3 people, not to mention many transportation options being severly limited, Red Hat announced earlier this month that they have moved the annual Red Hat Summit (scheduled for West Coast this year) to a Virtual event.

See the blog post announcing it: https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/moving-red-hat-summit-2020-virtual-experience
I did attend Red Hat Summit 2019 in Boston, and got to witness the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 announcement. It’s been an interesting year, with the IBM acquisition closing: I’ve already seen a lot of activity with new Open Source webcasts coming from IBM. I just hope that this doesn’t turn out the way the Sun acquisition by Oracle did: a lot of technical capabilities that were developed during the Sun era were not properly marketed, and while much of it seeded later development (containers, virtual desktops, grid computing), there was undoubtedly lots of technology and talent that were left by the wayside.